Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Andy Clausen, beat poet, returns to Berkeley

I just stumbled across this article about Andy Clausen, a poet who used to read at Berkeley and about whom Allen Ginsberg said:
Andy Clausen's character voice is heroic, a vox populi of the democratic unconscious, a 'divine average' thinking workman persona. As 'one of the rough,' a Whitmanic laborer, precisely a union hodcarrier long-standing, his bardic populism's grounded on long years' painful sturdy experience earning family bread by the sweat of his brow.

Impressive, coming from Ginsberg. It would appear that Andy is returning to read at Berkeley from 6-9 PM tonight (Valentine's Day 2012). If you live in Berkeley or nearby, get over there. There's still time (I'm posting this around 5:50 PM California time).

Click here to read some of Andy's poetry.

So many poets, so little time . . . .

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