Thursday, May 3, 2012

Take Kerouaction!

As regular readers know, I wrote The Beat Handbook: 100 Days of Kerouactions (available at Amazon). I like to think I coined the term Kerouaction, which is a one-word description of the answer to the question, "What would Jack Kerouac do?"

What Kerouaction am I asking you to take? Submit a Jack Kerouac tribute to the OnTheRoad4Kerouac Project!

Let me make it easy for you.
1. Answer these questions in writing:
-How has Kerouac affected/inspired you?
-How did you feel after reading On The Road or some other Kerouac novel?
2. Send your response to the above with your name, country, and valid e-mail address to:
3. You may also submit pictures or drawings along with your answers to the above questions.
4. Click here to see what's been submitted so far.
Bonus: If you submit by May 27, you are eligible to win a copy of Trois Couleur's special On The Road issue.

There. Easy as that wonderful apple pie Jack ate during his cross-country travels.

I look forward to seeing your tribute soon!

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